Jason Thomas

I like to make stuff

March 31, 2022 @ 13:34

DIY tabletop battle map (wargames, DnD, minature games etc)

full pic of battle map, close up inset

First here's what we're making: a 6x4 ft (1.8 x 1.2 metre) mat for wargames.

Here it is in full, with the painted area 6x4. Both pics below have the same Reaper Wizard mini for reference:

full pic of battle map

close up, Wizad boi

Reason for making

Recently I wanted a 6x4 battle map for some friends and I to play on. It needs to suit games at 28mm and 10mm scales. I thought the options available for purchase were a bit pricey. In Australia, it's $100+ for a good looking mat.

Needed for this project

Prices in $AUD:

Also in the image below is Vegemite. You don't strictly need this but I recommend you buy some for your 3pm sandwich.

materials you need, and also Vegemite

All up this is about $70 (not including Vegemite), which is more than I thought. I think the result is good so I'm OK with it.


Step 1

Measure the area for 6x4 ft and mark with a pen. Put some masking tape down and adjust if needed.

pic of tape on fabric

Step 2

Use a rag covered in paint to make blobs on the mat. Start with dark colours like brown.

brown blobs

Add more colours as you go, making them lighter and more yellow.

more coloured blobs

You should end up with a kind of camouflage pattern.

close up of blobs

Wait for that to dry completely

Step 3

Using a paint roller with a textured pattern, apply coats of paint, starting with dark colours

It's good to put weights on all edges and corners at this point.

paint roller

dark green goes on

Step 4

Make progressively lighter colours by mixing yellow and white, and some brown. The lighter colours on top need to be rolled very lightly. If you press too hard now you will just have a large light green blob.

I don't have a pic of this step sorry.

Step 5

With the edges and corners weighted, let dry on a flat surface.

weighted down


This takes about a day to complete (but I don't mean you have to watch paint dry). I had fun.

Final thoughts

If I could do this again I would cut away chunks from the sides of the paint roller. If you press too much on either side, you end up with a straight line going across the mat and it looks not quite right. The result is you have to do a lot more layers to blend that in and it would be better not to have to bother with it.

Thanks for reading. For $70, I'm happy with the result

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